

Tamara Winterling

Dear Marcella

Small feedback: It's stormy, raining, clattering, and noisy, but this week I'm falling in love with Lucero more and more each day. I don't know why, but he's currently managing to concentrate in such a way that he's very tolerant of the outside world for his standards.

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I am simply thrilled by what you have accomplished with us in just 3 online sessions!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have changed my thinking and even my posture, and I would say Lucero really likes it. At least he continues to be focused during our work, willingly moving forward (I don't have to constantly ask him to trot or to maintain the trot), and in the videos, he looks much more lively without being naughty. I am currently enjoying working with him so much, and I think you can see a differnece in his back


I am very grateful that you are supporting me with my Tinkers, who have rather poor riding and physical characteristics.

Since I started taking riding lessons with you (especially the course on the riding simulator), I finally understand why, how, and why exactly like this and not differently

My rather physically challenging Tinkers have improved so much through your precise and understanding guidance that the beginning swayback of my Tinker mare has now almost completely corrected itself. Even my Tinker gelding's stumbling has nearly disappeared.

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I have also understood what it means to ride from the core and how to bring my horses into balance, not just physically!

Since you, Marcella, taught me to confidently accompany and guide my horse in every movement, my rather panicky gelding has also developed into a very reliable partner.

I am very grateful to you for all of this, and also for the insightful conversations with you, and I am already looking forward to the next riding lessons!!!

I also appreciate your reliable and straightforward scheduling and that you stand on my small riding arena to help me, no matter the weather.

Dear greetings, Melli

rieke, fino, ulrike und anne

Hello dear Marcella,

due to numerous herpes outbreaks and the Corona pandemic, we were in search of a riding instructor two years ago. We knew you from two live courses before Corona and were already very impressed with your teaching back then. So the idea of online training was born, as unfortunately, there are 500 km between us. Since you offer online lessons anyway, we have been having online training once a week since then. And if someone now thinks: Online training, that can't work, the instructor can't see anything. Well, Marcella can, and how! Whether it's a riding session, classical groundwork, lungeing lessons, or a combination of those, everything is possible online.

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Over the past 2 years, under your patient and calm guidance, we have worked from difficulties with contact to the first half steps. You always approach each of our horses and their and our particularities very individually and sensitively. So, week by week, we all grow beyond ourselves
Dear Marcella, we are so grateful that you have embarked on the adventure of online training with us and always have an open ear for us, rejoicing in our progress or cheering us up when we weren't feeling well. We look forward to the next years.


Wibke grubert

I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful course on Sunday at our place in Winkel.

I am truly soooo grateful for you! You help and support us incredibly lovingly, competently, and with your way, you enable us to move mountains.

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We are growing beyond ourselves, and you give me so much courage. I thank you for that!
Thanks to you, the Trakehner mare, with me as a riding partner, is so incredibly lovingly nurtured, challenged but never overwhelmed. We are guided on the right path and have a great time doing it!
And even on days when things don't go so well, I have found confidence again through you. Chin up and let's keep going! And soon things will get better again.

Angela Burkhardt

Dear Marcella, We thank you for this great and instructive day, which has confirmed to us that we are thinking in the right direction, even though the actual implementation is a real challenge.

Der Tenor war ganz klar:
„Die weiß, wovon sie redet…“ „Es hat sich nie wie Kritik angefühlt…“
„Man spürt einfach, dass sie Pferde liebt!“

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Am schönsten für mich war das Lächeln unserer jüngsten Teilnehmerin (und sie ist eher der ernste, skeptische Typ) am Ende des Tages im Stall. Du hast sie und ihr Pferd so ‚gefühlt‘.

Wir arbeiten mit deinen Impulsen weiter und freuen uns auf ein Wiedersehen!

Riding Simulator Studio

Simone Ertel

The best seat training I've ever participated in - I could definitely take that away from the 'communicative seat' course day.
The seat training took place - not as usual at the stable - but in a riding simulator studio, with an absolutely pleasant and homely atmosphere. Training is conducted using a flexible chair and the riding simulator horse 'Pluto'

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With 'conventional' seat training sessions (e.g., with gymnastics exercises or balls), I often had the problem that I ended up sitting even more tense because I was so focused on wanting to sit better.
Since you're not sitting on a live horse on 'Pluto,' you don't feel the pressure or fear of sitting uncomfortably on the horse's back, allowing you to relax and let go much more easily. However, all gaits can be simulated on Pluto through movement and swinging (which is truly a very impressive experience because you are responsible for Pluto's movement)
I especially took away the importance of allowing movement consciously and releasing tension. Another insight was that breathing can greatly improve the seat. It was a great seat training session - there will definitely be a continuation.

tamara winterling

I've just completed two days of riding simulator sessions with Marcella Becker.
I was very curious about what to expect and pleasantly surprised by how accurately Joker’s Pluto, set up by Marcella Becker, mirrors my seat. Under her guidance, I could feel the dressage seat more precisely, navigate it more effectively, and thus improve my movement patterns."

I'm looking forward to taking this feeling onto the horse and to further joint training sessions.

wibke grubert

Your course at the riding simulator studio has brought incredible value. I now feel much better how to sit correctly and can adapt even more sensitively to the horse. I ponder over every word you say. And it always helps.
In this spirit: open your hearts!
A thousand thanks, Marcella, for everything!! I'm already looking forward to next time. 

barbara schneewind

Dear Marcella,

The riding lessons on Pluto: It was truly impressive for me to see how one's own body awareness develops when one focuses entirely on their seat and sensitively reflects on their own sensations! Your competence and your friendly, patient demeanor made every lesson a special experience! Thank you for that!

Ute Muntz

Hello Marcella,

I wanted to give you some brief feedback about our course on 13.02.2024.

It was positively received by everyone, and now everyone is trying to implement what they've learned on the horse. People are riding much more consciously, which is really interesting. Some horses have already noticed that the rider is using their seat differently

We'll keep at it and practice.

tanja pohlmann

What an interesting experience on this riding simulator, Pluto. Many thanks, Marcella Becker, it's a gift in terms of seat, influence, ease, and stability.

Since Pluto only becomes active through my own activity, the possibilities for self-awareness were very extensive.

I wouldn't want to miss this experience and will definitely come back again. Because the results can be observed very well at home on my own horse. The changes are enormous.

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Many thanks also to Stefanie Diez for raising awareness of everyday movements that can sometimes be executed even more optimally and with less tension. Walking can be so much easier. ;)

angela Burkhard

Zuerst nochmals ein Feedback zum gestrigen Kurs: Auf der Heimfahrt hatten wir ja noch eine Stunde Zeit, alles Revue passieren zu lassen. Unser Fazit: Wir haben ganz viel mitgenommen und fühlen uns darin bestätigt, stetig weiter an uns zu arbeiten, bevor man von den Pferden Dinge erwartet, die sie mit uns gar nicht richtig umsetzen können.

Dir und Steffi herzlichen Dank für eure Kompetenz, eure offene Art, euren Humor und die Fähigkeit für jede/n Einzelne/n individuelle Ansätze zu finden und niemanden in eine Schablone zu pressen!

Wir haben uns wertgeschätzt und aufgehoben gefühlt.“ 

Erica Redmond

(Aus dem Englischen Übersetzt) Es war mir ein Vergnügen. 3 Tage, die wir sehr gut mit dir und Steffi verbracht haben. Ich bin immer noch erstaunt über den Fortschritt von meinem ersten Sitzen auf ‚Pluto‘ bis zu meinem letzten Ritt auf ihm! Du bist eine so einfühlsame Lehrerin und in der Lage, deine Anweisungen auf eine ermutigende Weise zu formulieren. Die Kombination aus deinem klassischen Dressurwissen und Steffis magischen Händen ist eine Erfolgsformel, die meine Erwartungen übertroffen hat.

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Für mich ist es so wichtig, einen sicheren Raum zu haben, um Neues auszuprobieren – dein Studio und alles, was du dort hast, haben mir das gegeben… aber vor allem bist du und deine Herangehensweise es, die positive Veränderungen einlädt und ermöglicht. Ich freue mich darauf, alles mit meinen Pferden zu teilen – und wie du sagst, sie werden mir sagen, ob sie zustimmen. Ich halte dich auf dem Laufenden. Nochmals vielen Dank.
